Saturday, October 11, 2008

Practicing Surgeon - Patients Beware...

Last night Jonathan and I were talking about what he wants to be when he grows up. His list has included: Monster Truck Driver, Nascar Driver, Pet Trainer, Video Game Designer, Astronaut, Book Collector, and Paleontologist to name a few. But last night I mentioned how being a Doctor might be something he should consider for a few reasons. One is, it is a "helping people" job and another is they make quite a bit of money. That woke him up! "How much, Mom?" "Oh, more than $200,000 a year."

That settled it! Dr. Jonathan Cooper, MD, Surgeon has emerged. The boy has spent every waking moment practicing. Drawing pictures of people, "opening" different areas of their body, and closing them with various types of sutures, including (but not limited to) tape, bandaids and safety pins. Here are some examples of his victims...ah, I mean patients. They all survived and their families were very pleased.

I love how my son is progressing. He is thinking of his future, dreaming of his career, using his imagination, showing creativity.

A few years ago I found a sticky note in my son's permanent school files. It said, "Problem with mother. She thinks her son will be in general education classroom someday." Obviously, whoever wrote that never intended for me to see it, but neither did she take into consideration how love, prayer and therapy can create infinite possibilities for our children.

My goal is not to mold my son into a surgeon, but to help him dream dreams of limitless potential. I'm reminded of an old children's song,

I am a promise, I am a possibility
I am a promise with a capital 'P'
I'm a great big bundle of potentiality
I am learning to hear God's voice
And I am trying to make the right choice
For I'm a promise to be
Anything God wants me to be

What a great theme song for any child!

Because of the Hope He has given, I remain...



Anonymous said...


Love your blog! Our kids are so similar, it sounds! Alex has grown up with two physicians, so I know it rubs off. But when he gave his Grandma some x-rays a couple of years ago, and then last year did dental surgery in the OR on his brother, because he had just been there, I wonder if he might follow in our footsteps someday!

I have some pretty awful notes and was told many times in the early years that I was unrealistic. I have learned a lot and adjusted my mindset on autism, but mostly I was right, he did have the potential and he is doing things now that everyone said he would never achieve. No one really knows the individual kid, we just do what we need to do for them and watch them blossom. And I know some kids won't be able to be verbal or acquire as many skills through no fault of their own or their parent's trying. I feel very blessed.

Angie said...

I'm sure there are notes about me already -- circulating in Caroline's files. I'll never forget telling her cardiologist that God *could* and in my opinion *would* heal her heart because we were praying about it.

God did heal her heart -- he just happened to use the very cardiologist I was trying to convince.

God's kinda funny like that! : )

Unknown said...

Hi Donna! Sorry I haven't been around much. Lots happening in the family. I barely keep up with my blog and "jobs".
Anyway, just wanting you to know that giving your child a chance to dream is a gift of love and certainly a gift that will be priceless to him!

Keep dreaming yourself!

Casdok said...

What an imagination Jonathan shows! Glad all his patients survived!

Love the way you think!

And thank you for the gorgous photo for my blog :)

Melinda said...

wow.....I will never understand why some of these so-called teachers are in our school system to begin with.....they cannot possibly be a positive influence for anyone around them. Touching, touching post.

Anonymous said...

That is so precious and certainly what it is all about. God has great and mighty plans for each child he creates. I love the pictures of Dr. Coopers surgeries! Last year I used that song in my kindergarten graduation slide show. My class was singing along with the music and doing the hand motions...there was not a dry eye in the chapel! It was my theme last year and so I've kept it for this year. I love and miss you so much...and I'm so thankful for you. You give me hope for my brother!

Anonymous said...

I loved your web page about Jonathan becoming a doctor! Made me cry!

He’s so lucky to have you for his mommy!
