Friday, November 14, 2008

When God Speaks....LISTEN!

I experienced one of those rare moments of awakening last night. God spoke to my heart and showed me His most gracious love and care for me. I'm not sure I can put into words the depth of this revelation, but I will attempt to do so.

Late last night, after a meeting, I decided to go see the new Nicholas Sparks movie. I've been a fan of his for years. I've enjoyed reading many of his books, and watching the movies that have been made from them.

I did something I do not remember ever having done before. Decided
to see the movie alone. As a matter of fact, I was so alone, it was an audience of 1. being that it was only me in in the theater. Wow! A private showing! : )

You may or may not be familiar with "Night's in Rodanthe". Richard Gere certainly is not hard to look at. It was a great movie. Somewhere in the middle of the movie, Adrianne, the woman taking care of an amazing bed and breakfast at the beach, begins to open up and share her life with Dr. Paul Flanner, the guest. Adrianne shows him a room filled with memories. He notices a beautifully hand made little wooden box. She says, "I made that out of driftwood. I like using the most twisted pieces of wood, and creating something beautiful that is worthy of holding treasures" (I'm paraphrasing a bit, but that was the gist of what she said)

That is the point I could no longer breathe.

God spoke to my heart. "Yes, Donna, your childhood was much like a twisted piece of driftwood. But I chose you, and with My gentle and skilled hands I fashioned you into a beautiful box to hold My love and My Holy Spirit"

Now, I do not feel like a bea
utiful box. But I know that God sees with different eyes.
And I marvel at the thought that the Lord has lovingly crafted me to hold his priceless treasures. These are not ment to be hidden away in a box, but shared with those around.

If you "feel" like a piece of driftwood, weathered by the storms of life. If you feel like you are not
hing special, allow the Master Craftsman to take you and fashion you into a beautiful vessel. As an Artist, He's always looking for His next project.

Any Volunteers?

I am...


Unknown said...


Thank you for that sweet blessed me today.

Anonymous said...

I cannot speak....I am breathless, too ! How obedient you are and THAT'S why God is able to fashion you (and you ARE like a beautiful box!) because you have surrendered to that...I want to be there, too.... it's a daily thing---thank you for sharing with me; I'm going to go back and read it over and be delighted and blessed by God's Spirit speaking to me through your words...xoxox

Thank you for your obedience, Donna...

I love you.


Anonymous said...


You are an amazing woman and friend! How beautiful!

I needed to read this today! I’ve had a few storms lately and I had been in one of those “Why me?” modes and really feeling a bit sorry for myself. This was just so perfect in its timing for me. So, thank you for your ministry.

You know you are such a gifted writer that you should write a book! God must have put you in my life for a reason!

Luv ya,


Rebecca said...

How beautiful! So many of us feel that our twisted lives can not be of useful service to the Lord, but just simple obedience is simply stunning! Thank for this post!

Jodi said...

That was beautiful.

danette said...

Wow, what a beautiful and inspiring experience. Thanks for sharing it!

Angie said...

That is beautiful, my friend. And you're right -- there are times when God decides to just speak to US.

Kudos for it being with Richard Gere in the background! :)

Casdok said...

Very touching post.

I also enjoy going to the cinema on my own especially when i am the only one in there!