the entire 2nd grade class is picking on him
and he got a 60 on the spelling test
and he has to write the entire report again because his writing is sloppy
and his tag bothers him but no one will cut it out
and he can't get the words out to explain how he feels
and there are no chicken nuggets left
and everyone else can have ice cream but him type of day.
I want my son to feel loved and wanted and know he is amazing.
One day many years ago I said to my son: "Jonathan, do you know if I lined up EVERY boy in the WHOLE entire world, and I had to pick just one to be my very own...do you know who I'd pick? I'd pick YOU!
This has become kind of a ritual with us. I don't say it every day, but at least a couple of times a week, when we're snuggling and feeling warm and fuzzy.
Last night, when we were cuddled on the couch, I began my little, "Jonathan, do you know if I lined up EVERY boy in the WHOLE entire world, and I had to pick just one to be my very own...do you know who I'd pick? And he answered "You'd pick me!" (it's evolved to the point that he answers the question now)
But this time he added, "Mom, are you sure you'd want me? Even though I have autism? Would you still want to pick me?"
Oh precious son of mine...
The answer is:
every time
without a doubt
no hesitation
no thinking twice
no regrets
I am still

Blessed Mom to Jonathan Ryan
An AWEsome boy!
very sweet and I feel the same way about my Noah!
He IS an awesome boy -- because he is loved unconditionally by two very special parents and one big sister!
Beautiful words, my friend. Beautiful.
That was utterly amazing and beautiful... thank you for this beautiful piece.
Incredible...what a precious and very blessed little boy.
I would pick my son too! He is amazing!
When all else is stripped away, what is left?
The love of a mother for her son, unconditionally, is a thing of beauty that is unsurpassed.
What an incredible gift to give your son MOM!
What a sweetheart! I feel the same way about my Daniel. :) Thanks for sharing your beautiful story!
This brings tears to my eyes. Your a very loving and caring mother.
I feel the same way about my grandson who has autism. I love him with all of my heart, and would pick him over any other little boy.
I love you
(((((DONNA & JONATHAN))))) I just read your blog for 1st time, so sweet.You are a special mom with a very special son.
I have something i say to my angel "angela" ever since she was little, you are mommy's ""special angel", i started saying that even before i knew she had autism b/c she was born at 24 weeks old,1 lb 2 oz, she fought hard to live, even had heart operation to close valve at 2 weeks old, was critical for 1st 3 months of her life, stayed in hospital for 5 months,then when she was 3 1/2 she was diagnosed with Autism(pdd-nos)so the saying even became more meaningful to me.
Oh Donna,
You always have a way of making us see things from a different perspective. Things all of us parents think about our children, special or not, but never have quite the words to express it...you are our poet and we love you!
This brought tears to my eyes, what a beautiful way to say it. I feel the same about my boys :)
That's a wonderfully positive cue to share [warm and fuzzy too]
BEst wishes
Well done on your award dearie.
Now that is an awesome ritual. We adopted our children when they were small and we hope that one day they also will know that we'd pick them over and over and over.
I wasn't aware I would need a kleenex either but this is also how I feel about my autistic son, Walker. He blesses me each and every day and I am so thankful for him. I am glad you are blessed by Jonathan as well!
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