Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Can it really be....

A month since I've blogged? How is that possible?

I hate to blog
when I'm not in a good mood. Now don't get me wrong...I love Christmas, and decorating and baking and festivities. Honoring the Baby born in the manger. But the last month has been filled with so many physical problems that to expect anyone to read would have been depressing. But now, I have come to the place that I am asking for your prayers.

I had arthroscopic surgery to fix a torn cartilage in my left knee. It is supposed to be an easy surgery, and you bounce back quickly. Only it has been filled with one complication after another for me. I regret EVER having the surgery and so wish I could turn back the clock to that dreadful day in August and make a different choice. Walking is always painful and sometimes impossible. On top of that I've injured my Achilles tendon in the same leg. So I look much like an 90 year old woman trying to go anyplace.

On top of that, I have RCE in both eyes. (RCE stands for Recurrent Corneal Erosion) To explain simply....it is when the top layer of epithelium or skin of your eyeball attaches to the eyelid while you sleep and when you awaken it RIPS the skin off of your eye. Sound painful? You don't have a clue unless you've had the experience. Most of the rips are minor and can heal themselves in a few hours. Some, however are major and take a visit to my Opthomologist for drops, meds and a bandage lens. Christmas Eve morning I awaken to a medium rip. I figure a few hours it will heal. Instead of healing, it worsened as the day progressed. By evening it was excruciating. At 1:00 in the morning (Christmas morning) I was at our local ER frantic with pain. They could do nothing but put some numbing drops in (immediate relief, but they only last an hour or so) At least I got some sleep and then woke up Christmas morning with thoughts of gouging out my right eye.

Hating t
o call the doctor and ruin his holiday, decided that there was really no choice. My kind and compassionate doctor was not on call, but another doctor called me back. Only she lacked a bit in the compassionate side of things. She not only would not listen to me, but refused to see me at all. So Christmas day was spent in agony.

The next morning my d
octor was on call and saw me immediately. He fumed over the other doctor on call (on Christmas day), wishing her a corneal abrasion. (The thought of that at that point did sound nice...shame on me) In 20 minutes he had me completely out of pain. Much gratitude to Dr. Sterling. My hero.

While all this is going on, my gal bladder decides to wave and remind me it's still there. Oh yes, it erupts every 6 months or so and lets me know it needs to come out one of these days.

to say, NOT a fun Christmas for me.

But still
years agoIn a stable there was born a baby

His birth

His life
His love
His death
His resurrection
Has made all the difference
And has changed my life forever

Nothing I co
uld endure could ever match His sufferings
I will now and eternally be grateful to Him

I love Him so....

*Born to die That I may live
To crush the power of satan's sin

I lift my voice, I shout and sing


Hosanna to the King!!*

I am...


*Words between the * are from a song "Hosanna" beautifully written and sung by Tim Sheppard.


Anonymous said...


Trish said...

Oh my goodness, I am so sorry to hear of all the troubles you have been having. Makes my pity party over getting scarlet fever seem so insignificant!

I know how you feel about wanting to stay positive on your blog. I actually started another one just to have a place to vent (whether anybody reads it or not).

My prayers are with you for a complete recovery for everything you are going through. May 2009 be a year of healing!

Unknown said...

My dear friend! I knew something must be going amiss and I had you in my prayers.

Hope you find complete healing soon and look forward to a "Merry" Valentines Day??


Rebecca said...

Oh, my dear new friend...
I pray that the Lord restores you. I don't have any fantastic words of wisdom for you -- I will only ask that you will be able to feel the Lord, Himself hold you as you go through these struggles.