Sunday, March 22, 2009

I Remember You...

Three years ago today, my Mom went to be with the Lord. Needless to say, I miss her very much. March 22nd will always be a day with the mixture of sadness and joy. Sadness because of the obvious loss and desire to be with my Mom again. Joy because I know she is basking in the Awesome presence of the Lord!

Wanted to share something I wrote. This was very much of an epiphany to me. I began not knowing what the conclusion would be, and was stunned by the realization.

I Remember You
I look at a picture of you and I remember:

The joy you had doing something you love

Your passion for whatever project you were working on
Your dedication to do what you felt was right
Your compassion for the poor and hurting
Your steadfastness to your beliefs
Your desire to do something grand in life
Your honesty, even when it hurt
Your determination to stand for the truth
Your love for the Lord

I used to think we were so different
Opposites in many ways
But as I read this description of you
I see that we really are so much alike
You gave me such a wonderful foundation for life
Joy, passion, dedication, compassion, steadfastness, honesty, determination, love…
What a beautiful legacy you imparted to me

Thank you, Mom
You are remembered
With a heart full of love

(I'm back!)


danette said...

That was beautiful, thanks for sharing it.

I'm glad you're back :).

Casdok said...

A beautiful tribute to your mum.