Monday, March 30, 2009

A Dozen Thoughts - What Every Parent of an ASD Child Wish the Teacher Knew

free glitter text and family website at

1) It is never a shock that my child has behavior issues. I live with him. I know.

2) Tell me 2 good things about my child when you have to tell me something bad. Think of it as a sandwich. Good/Bad/Good.

3) Let me know you like my child.

4) Realize that I often feel guilty that he is in your class, because I know he takes up so much more of your time and effort than typical children do.

5) Even though my child has non-compliance issues, I am not a wimpy parent. I work harder, correct more, brainstorm more, set up reward programs, try to be diligently consistent, read more, worry more than parents of typical children.

6) Include me in on decisions about my child.

7) Ask me what works at home.

8) Try to go easy on the homework. We have enough struggles around here! Understand, if you assign homework we may or may not be able to get it done.

9) If my son says the tag in his shirt bothers him, cut it out, you totally have my permission. If you don't cut it out, plan on a bad day.

10) Remember that my child is a few years behind socially and emotionally. He may need help remembering to bring home jackets and lunch boxes. I have extras, but when they start to pile up at school, send them home.

11) Try to use my child's strengths in the classroom if you can. It will make his self-esteem soar.

12) Applaud me for getting him to school on time. You have no idea...

I am...



Rebecca said...

You know... I have a child with ADD; while he was in public school, you would not believe how many times I asked the teachers to remember the same twelve principles you laid out here. Didn't work for me... now I homeschool. Hope the teachers listen to you.

EBrookeBaker said...

Hi there, You don't know me, but I am a friend of Jeanine J's, and I saw your blog link on her realroots page. My son has recently been diagnosed with ASD. He is three, and though he has been in therapy since 18 months, he has not carried the diagnosis until now. I was wondering if you would mind talking with me about your experiences raising your darling son. If you have time, would you mind if I emailed you? My address is Thank you for your time, and if you're busy, please don't worry about it.
God bless,

danette said...

I love this post! These are all perfect. I would add, "if I offer a suggestion it's not just for my child's benefit, it's for your sanity too" and "if you find something that works at school, please tell me! It might be something we haven't tried at home yet."