Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Dream Come True

I planned a Mario themed party for Jonathan at our house. I was concerned because we had very few RSVP's, but 9 children came, along with many adults. It was perfect. Jonathan was awesome! He never got too wound up. Played well with his friends. Appreciated his gifts and givers. Listened well to my directives.

Sitting here very sore and tired (gee...this getting old ain't no fun!) I am reflecting on the days I prayed my son could just play with another child. Just interact. Just talk with. Just look at. Just say, "Mom look at me".

He may still occasionally have some behavior issues at school, but he is happy. He honestly loves his friends. He plays and has relationships! He is kind and gentle with those who are fragile (one little boy, the brother of his best friend, recently had surgery to correct some problems with his legs. He was here tonight, and I noticed Jonathan showing compassion with him.) He can love and give hugs.
I write this with tears streaming down my face.
Realizing how much God has given me.
How His hand has touched my precious boy's life.
At one point in his life, Jonathan knew nothing of the joy of having a friend. He honestly had no desire to interact with people. Now he thrives on it. What more could I possibly ask for?

Several years ago I had this very dream for my son. I envisioned him playing like the other children. I asked the Lord to help my son enjoy friendships an
d learn that people are valuable. And I am amazed...because I SAW my dream come alive yesterday. Amazed how God's grace touches our lives in so many ways.

I will forever be grateful and



Gina said...

I am so happy for you. When God answers prayer it can be so amazing (even though we shouldn't be so surprised, because he loves us so much!) Happy birthday to your Jonathon.

kristi said...

Glad the party went well!

Jenn said...

Thanks for sharing this...and it is nice to know there are others who have seen their child progress gives others hope that with love and direction this is totally possible.

khrys said...

This brought tears to my eyes!!!!!!!! Jonathan is am amazing little man, but he's also got one heck of a committed mom with a HUGE heart............ that's been determined to get him thus far! You amaze me, and your courage and determination gives some many others strength!

Melissa said...

He's come so far! It truly is amazing to see, isn't it? Almost every night at dinner, Boo will talk about a friend or two from the bus or from class - always kind of in the spirit of, "Guess what D. said today? He's so funny," and it's usually 7-year old boy potty humor or something. It makes me smile, knowing how much I, too, longed for such a day.

Anonymous said...

Donna, I am truly Amazed by His Grace. I remember J when he was little. It is awesome to hear how far he has come. I look forward to seeing him sometime this summer. Love you all. Alison

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to Jonathon! Hope he finds life an amazing adventure just like his mom does!